How acupuncture can support you through the menopause
The menopause is a normal physiological transition, defined as 12 consecutive months without a period. It can occur naturally or be induced through surgery. The average age of natural menopause in developed countries is 51 years old and 4 years in duration, but it varies greatly from person to person. Perimenopause can start 8-10 years before this.
Menopause and the years leading up to it, can be a time of troubling emotional and physical symptoms, ranging in severity from mild to debilitating. Symptoms can be experienced by those who identify as women, some transgender men, non-binary people and intersex people. These include, but are not limited to, hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, low libido, palpitations, depression, weight gain, lethargy and long-term effects on bone and cardiovascular health.
HRT is the mainstream response to menopausal symptoms and provides great relief to many. However, it is not suitable for everyone due to health conditions or for those seeking more natural alternatives. In more recent times there have also been issues in the supply chain.
Below we look at how acupuncture can support you through this transitional time.
In Chinese medicine, menopause is called your ‘second spring’, representing the renewal of energy and opportunities. With age comes the gift of wisdom, innate confidence and life experience. Still today in China, menopause is viewed very much as a normal life transition, with many women taking herbs, making dietary changes and receiving acupuncture treatment as part of their daily lives.
One of the main principles of acupuncture is to restore balance in your body, making it an ideal method of supporting you through this transition which inherently leaves the body unbalanced – hormonally, emotionally and physically.
In Chinese medicine, menopause is seen as a natural decline in Kidney Essence in its Yin and/or Yang aspect. Throughout our lives we expend this through stress, giving birth, (over)work, just living… The main approaches to treating menopause are to restore balance between Yin and Yang, support the Kidneys, regulate the Liver and calm the mind.
Treatments are individually tailored to each patient’s unique requirements and focus on the issue at the root. They also include self-care guidance for your diet and lifestyle.
Studies have shown that acupuncture may offer support for some of the most common symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, insomnia, osteoporosis, cognitive decline and much more (1).
BMJ Open published a study suggesting acupuncture may help to ease symptoms including hot flushes, excess sweating, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and skin and hair problems. The research also confirmed that acupuncture offered a safe and cost-effective treatment, with very few side effects (2).
Herbal Reality on menopause:
Herbal Reality on perimenopause:
Menopause Mandate is a group of motivated women from all walks of life who share a common interest in perimenopause and menopause:
Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging
Book by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer.
(1) Evidence Based Acupuncture (2021) Menopause - acupuncture treatment for menopausal symptoms. Available at:
(2) BMJ (2019) Acupuncture may ease troublesome menopausal symptoms. Available at: